The role of assistive technologies for people with physical disabilities

The role of assistive technologies for people with physical disabilities

Start Date : 2021-05-23

End Date : 2021-05-23

The 7th webinar will be held on Sunday 23rd of May 2021 at 6 pm.
Webinar title: The role of assistive technologies for people with physical disabilities
1- Mr. AbdElMonem Magdy:
Founder of the mobile ramp for PWDs
2- Eng. Alaa El Nady:
Projects Director at El Hassan Foundation for Differently Abled Inclusion 
3- Eng. Eslam Moamed Farouk:
Mechanical Engineer – Co-founder of EMF
4- Eng. Amr Saleh Saber:
Mechanical Engineer – Co-founder of EMF
Session Moderator:
Assoc. Prof. AbdEl-Monem El-Sharkawy – Chairman of the National Academy of Information Technology for Persons with Disabilities (NAID)

Duration: 60-90 minutes 
The interactive webinar will be held via Facebook live

Target group: Persons with physical disabilities and their caregivers, developers, and entrepreneurs in addition to all stakeholders.

Human movement is achieved by a coordinated mechanical interaction between bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints within the musculoskeletal system under the control of the nervous system. Damage or malfunction of any of these components may cause a movement disorder, whose type and extent of impact are described according to the nature and location of the injury.
This webinar aims at raising the awareness about physical disabilities, and their impact on life activities, while highlighting the role of assistive technology in helping people with physical disabilities to overcome some of the challenges they face. Methods that innovators are researching and developing to support people with physical disabilities will be illustrated as well as relevant assistive technologies.

To attend and leave your questions, register here:

