Autism Spectrum Disorder and the role Assistive Technologies

Autism Spectrum Disorder and the role Assistive Technologies

Start Date : 2021-06-01

End Date : 2021-06-01

The 8th webinar will be held on Tuesday 1st of June 2021 at 6 pm.
Webinar title: Autism spectrum disorder and the role assistive technologies 
1- Dr. Muhammad Al-Hinnawi:
 Executive Director of the Egyptian Association for the Advancement of Persons with Disabilities and Autism - PhD Candidate in Special Education
 2- Dr. Ahmed Hindi:
Media teacher at the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Childhood, Ain Shams University - Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies and Children's Culture

Session Moderator:
Assoc. Prof. AbdEl-Monem El-Sharkawy – Chairman of the National Academy of Information Technology for Persons with Disabilities (NAID)

Duration: 60-90 minutes 
The interactive webinar will be held via Facebook live

Target group: Autistic persons and their caregivers, developers, and entrepreneurs in addition to all stakeholders.
According to the World Health Organization, autism spectrum disorders are a group of complex disorders of the brain development. Estimates indicate that 1 in 160 children develop autism spectrum disorder. This webinar aims to increase awareness of the autism spectrum disorder in terms of diagnosis, common mistakes, and the role of education in developing the capabilities of children with autism. The webinar will also show the role of technology in improving communication among autistic persons and its importance for their inclusion at the different stages of education. 

To attend and leave your questions, register here:

